Our Complaint Policy
At Azizi Exchange each of our customers are important to us, and we believe you have the right to a fair, swift and courteous service at all times. Azizi Exchange has established a complaints procedure to ensure your complaint is dealt with promptly, efficiently, in positive manner and by the correct person. As our customer, you are in a good position to judge how we are performing, and we need you to tell us if things have gone wrong. We will treat your complaint seriously and in confidence.
If you are not satisfied with the service you have received, please get in touch with the person executing the deal to which your complaint refers. They can deal with most complaints informally and quickly. Please provide as many details as you can in your complaints.
We have the following procedures in place to handle complaints:
Customers should ensure that when they call our office on 0208 459 2228 for complaints, they should email us as well so that the complaints can be lodged accordingly. We will acknowledge your e-mail or letter sent to us immediately.
If someone else made a complaint on your behalf, we will seek your permission to contact that person.
If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) may be able to help. They are independent and can help resolve disputes between firms and their customers. You can contact them by completing the online complaints form at: https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/make-complaint